Pat McAfee Foresees Federal Marijuana Legalization, Credits Andy Reid for Drafting Travis Kelce Despite College Suspension

Pat McAfee has boldly claimed that it won’t be long until marijuana is legalized throughout the entire United States as he appeared to shade the Dallas Cowboys for passing up on Travis Kelce over his failed drugs test.

Nobody's Really Getting Hit For It Anymore': Travis Kelce Was Smoking Out  In His Ride and The Internet Is in An Uproar, But the NFL Could Care Less -  Yahoo Sports

The Kansas City Chiefs star was suspended by the NCAA for a year during his time at the University of Cincinnati after he failed a drug test.

In a previous episode of his New heights podcast with his brother Jason, which has reemerged amid this years NFL Combine, Kelce revealed that his marijuana mistake left a black mark on his record when it came to interviewing with the Dallas Cowboys.

And McAfee was outraged that the incident could have potentially denied the NFL a great as he insisted it wouldn’t be long until the league scrapped marijuana testing.

‘The NFL has always used marijuana as a leverage piece in the negotiations with players,’ McAfee said on his eponymous show Wednesday.

Pat McAfee
Travis Kelce

The players will be like, “We want less offseason workouts because we feel like we’re getting beat up.” And the NFL is like, “You want weed? We’re going to get 20 games.” And the players association is like, “We’re not going to give all that up just for weed.”

‘But it feels like we’re nearing a place where marijuana is probably gonna get passed federally. You’d think someone with a brain would do that. It’s only a matter of time.

‘That’s what I took from that Travis Kelce story. First of all, great answer. “I worked my ass off to do that. I was young, I’m sorry. I made a mistake.”

‘But also, nowadays they’re like, “Heard you failed a weed test?” “Yeah.” “Alright, thank you for being truthful, let’s move on.”

‘Thank god Andy Reid when he drafted Travis Kelce didn’t care. And thank God Andy Reid brought Patrick Mahomes in there because watching those two play football together has led to people robbing banks.

‘Hopefully in the future, the NFL will be a better place by eliminating the marijuana test. The fact that that potentially slowed down a GOAT because of a mistake that was made when he was 19 and every other human is doing.’

While he was in college at Cincinnati in 2010, Kelce was suspended for a year for testing positive for marijuana.

He previously revealed that the suspension proved to be a sticking point for the Dallas Cowboys in his Combine interview.

Kelce was suspended for a year during his college days for testing positive for marijuana
The host thanked Chiefs head coach Andy Reid for drafting the tight end despite the ban

‘At the Combine, I had some bad interviews,’ Travis recalled in the old episode of New Heights, which reemerged this week.

‘The Cowboys, they were kind of pressing me about having this red flag of missing a year.

‘I don’t know if I was having a bad morning, I basically was just, I don’t even know if I want to say this.

‘It ended really fast. I basically just said, ‘If you guys think I’m gonna be that kind of guy or you’re questioning if I’m still that person after everything that I’ve battled through to get to where I am now, from missing a season, then you guys probably go somewhere else and pick somebody else.’

The NFL raised its threshold for a positive marijuana test from 35 nanograms to 150 back in 2021, while also scrapping tests for it in the offseason. Multiple states around the US have legalized or decriminalized marijuana in recent years.

Kelce recently estimated that 50-80 percent of active NFL players smoke marijuana, although he admitted that most quit the habit over a month before seasons get underway.

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